
Business information in the service of your business

Bank Accounts

Be the first to find out about the frozen bank accounts!

The portal contains the most accurate data on companies’ blocked accounts in Serbia, which are updated every 30 minutes

Current and past account blockages: current account status, current frozen amount, total freezes, and number of blocked days since 2011, as well as the duration of each freeze. For each company, you will find a detailed view of all bank accounts; at which banks, account type, status, opening date, etc. Find out in real time whether your customer has frozen accounts and quickly react to enforced debt collection!

Related Entities

Is the specific company affiliated with other companies and how?

Related parties are a detailed account of the legal entity’s connection with other legal entities through ownership and management. Find out who are the daughters or mothers of an affiliate company, or which companies are entirely owned by a given company.

Reduce the risk of doing business with a specific company through insight into a chain of related entities.

Advanced Search

Smart company search

Search and find companies by more than 60 criteria – from company locations and account statuses to industry  and business revenue. By using individual filters or a combination of them, you can segment and analyze the market, determine its potential, make a list of potential companies for acquisition, find adequate suppliers, and discover all your competitors.

Best of all, you can export your search results. This gives you a functional company database, fully ready for use with more than 30 types of information per company.


An in-depth insight into the financial health of the company

Complete financial statements since 2009 for companies submitting financial statements and consolidated reports for economic groups.

A detailed overview of the ratio indicators, with a comparative overview by year, description and meaning of each.

Check the financial status and solvency of each potential partner or buyer.


Management and Employees

Who are the most important people in the company?

Detailed representation of all representatives in the legal entity, members of the Management and Supervisory Boards and their current managerial positions in other legal entities, together with a graphical representation of the average number of employees.

Find out who the decision makers are at the company and who is the one to focus your sales efforts on. Also, maybe these managers can connect you with key people in other businesses.

Active Companies
Frozen Accounts
Promissory Notes
Related entities


The current owners of the company as well as the ultimate owner

Credit Score

Numerical expression of company’s business performance in form of liquidity, solvency and growth


Registration Info

Legal form, business, full business name, tax status, ID, date of establishment


Address and Contacts

Registered business address, branch address, email and website

Companies listed at same address

List of companies located at the same address

Pledges and Promissory Notes

List of all pledges on property as well as registered promissory notes

Financial Benchmarks

The ability to compare the financial performance of company with its competitors

Trend Charts

Visually monitor the development and relationship of key company performance indicators

Complete and up-to-date information

All publicly available data on Serbian companies gathered in one place. The portal will always provide you with the most up-to-date information on registered businesses. We update our registration information once a day, and frozen accounts every 30 minutes.

Intuitive Interface

Simple and easy to use application that will save you time and make it easier to obtain key information. Advanced portal functionality will become an integral part of your day-to-day business.

Use on the go

Before meeting with a client, check all the business information on your phone and prepare yourself better. Access your portal from any device with your username and password, whether you are at the office or in the field.

Contact Us

Send us a message via the contact form on the right or in one of the following ways:

Telephone: +381 11 414 2828

Address: Resavska 13 – 15,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia